A modern template to power up your business
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We aim to ensure the best service and the best image based on a specialized system establishment,
with an attitude of thinking from the customer’s point of view.
SUNGSAN's challenge to the world continues.
[2006]현대미포조선 대불공장 무빙셀타 23동 제작/설치Manufacturing / Installation of 23 Moving Shelters for HYUNDAI MIPO DOCKYARD
[2009]광주기아자동차 혼류생산 신축 철골공사New Construction of Steel Frame for Gwangju KIA MOTOR Multi-modal Production
[2009]성진지오텍 3공장 무빙 자바라 하우스 신축공사New Construction Work of Moving Retractable House for SUNGJIN GEOTEC 3rd Factory
[2010]무림P&P㈜ 철구조물 제작 및 설치Manufacturing / Installation of Steel Structure for MOORIM P&P
[2005-2010]성진지오텍 2.3.4공장 무빙셀타 17동 신축공사New Construction Work of seventeen Moving Shelters for SUNGJIN GEOTEC 2nd, 3rd, 4th Factory
[2010]현대미포조선 Up Down Door 신축공사New Construction Work of UP DOWN DOOR for HYUNDAI MIPO DOCKYARD
[2010]성진지오텍 4공장 무빙셀타 신축공사New Construction Work of Moving Shelter for SUNGJIN GEOTEC 4th Factory
[2012]현대중공업 대조립공장 철구조물 설치Manufacturing of Steel Structure for HHI Assembly Shop
[2012]현대중공업 도장공장 철구조물 설치Installation of Steel Structure for Paint Shop for HHI
[2015]현대자동차 생산기술부 글로벌 교육센터 신축공사New Construction Work of Global Education Center for HYUNDAI MOTOR Production Technology Department
[2016]현대자동차 5공장 냉난방 철구조물 보강 및 전기실, 기계실 신축공사Structure Reinforcement Work and New Construction Work of Electric, Machine Room for HYUNDAI MOTOR 5th Factory
[2016]현대자동차 1공장 샤시모듈하치장 증축공사Extension Work of Chassis Module Drop Off area for HYUNDAI MOTOR
[2017]현대자동차 1차체공장 식당 신축공사New Construction Work of Restaurant for HYUNDAI MOTOR 1st Factory
[2019]현대중공업 특수선 창정비용 무빙셀타 신축공사New Construction Work of Depot Maintenance Moving Shelter for HHI Special Vessel
[2019]현대중공업 특수선 창정비용 무빙 자바라 하우스 신축 New Construction Work of Depot Maintenance Moving Retractable House for HHI Special Vessel
[2020]행정복지센터 전시대 제작 및 설치공사Exhibition Stand Manufacturing / Installation Work for Administrative Welfare Center
[2020]㈜아이비스포츠센터 사옥 신축공사New construction of IVY SPORTS CENTER office building
[2021]엔진, 주조공장 지붕 모니터 태풍 대비 보강 공사Reinforcement Work of Engine, Casting factory roof monitor prepare for typhoon
[2021]조선, 대조립1공장 구조물 보강 공사Structure Reinforcement Work of 1st Assembly Shop
[2021]조선2, 대조립공장 구조물 보강 공사 Structure Reinforcement Work of Assembly Shop
[2021]현대중공업 조선)한국형 화물창 BQT SHOP 신축New Construction of Korean Cargo Hold for HHI
[2022]현대중공업 해양,무빙셀타 2동(S1. S2) 이설공사Relocation Work of 2(S1, S2)Moving Shelters for HHI
[2022]현대중공업 2야드) 판넬조립2부 남쪽 옥외작업장 신축-8S-1 셀타 철거공사HHI 2 Yard) 2nd Panel Assembly, Demolition Work of Southern Outdoor Workshop New Construction Center for HHI
[2022]현대힘스 포항1공장 무빙셀타 신축공사 (1동)HYUNDAI HYMS Pohang 1st factory, New Construction Work of Moving Shelter
성산의 주력 업종
전문화된 시스템 구축 위에 항상 고객의 입장에서 생각합니다
최상의 시공 서비스와 최고의 이미지를 목표로!
Based on a specialized system establishment, with an attitude of thinking from the customer’s point of view.
We aim to ensure the best service and the best image!
철구조물 제작 및 설치
Manufacturing & Installation of Steel Structure
대형 자동문 제작 및 시공
Manufacturing & Construction of Big Automatic Door
철구조물 보강 공사
Reinforcement Work of Steel Structure
Steel Structure of Factory and Commercial Building
Steel Structures of Various Plant
Pre-Engineering Building
Big Automatic Door
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